Yants Bridge

Yants Bridge is situated over the river Artinajoor at the south-western extremity of Banants Village, Karhat (Dashkesan) District, Northern Artsakh—a region that suffered deportation of its Armenian population in 1988 and has been annexed to Azerbaijan since then—at an altitude of 930 metres above sea level. Ranking second in significance among the bridges in Banants after Metz (Hin) Bridge, it represents a single-span structure of a semi-circular vault and shares the building peculiarities of other similar monuments of the 18th century. In its facade looking downstream, the capstone of the arch is carved with a relief representing a horse head—most probably, the emblem of an outstanding family. In the 19th century, Yants Bridge was repaired by Shami Saki.

Span length: 10.70 metres; passage width: 4.90 metres; height above water level: 7.25 metres; geographical coordinates: N 40°32°59.66,°° E 46°08°50.43.°°

The bridge also underwent overhaul in 1918, a five-line inscription (see it in the Armenian text) carved on a white marble stone (60 x 40 centimetres), set at the top of the arch in the centre of the current-resisting facade [the facade looking up-stream] of the bridge, commemorating this event.

Transl.: This bridge was repaired by Sargis Virabian Hakobiants in perpetual memory of his parents, 9 June 1918.

Published in: Karapetian, S. Northern Artsakh. Yerevan, 2007, p. 82.