Bridge of Bolorants

This single-span bridge used to extend over the Bolorants—the right tributary of the river Artinajoor—at the south-eastern edge of Banants Village, Northern Artsakh—a region that suffered deportation of its Armenian population in 1988 and has been annexed to Azerbaijan since then. A monument of the 17th century, it represented a vaulted structure of finely-finished cornerstones, its present-day vestiges comprising its piers that are laid with undressed stone and mortar. It is evident that the passage of the bridge was widened in the late Middle Ages.

Span length: 9.20 metres; original passage width: 2.50 metres, and 4.50 metres after its widening; geographical coordinates: N 40°33°08.77,°° E 46°09°12.68.°°