Bridge of Targmanchats Cloister

The bridge stretches on a road leading to Khachakap Village, Karhat (Dashkesan) District, Northern Artsakh—a region that suffered deportation of its Armenian population in 1988 and has been annexed to Azerbaijan since then—in the north-east of Targmanchats Cloister. A single-span vaulted structure, it was erected through prominent benefactor Alexandre Tayiriants’s means between 1880 and 1883. Its construction inscription (see the original in the Armenian text) reads:

Transl.: This bridge [and] two-verst road [leading] to the holy monastery were built under the patronage of Alexandre Mkrtchian Tayiriants from Yerevan, 1880 to 1883.

Published in: Karapetian, S. Northern Artsakh. Yerevan, 2007, p. 195.

Another inscription commemorating the foundation of the bridge is preserved on the entrance to the church of the cloister. __11. Ardzagank, 1886, No. 21, p. 309 (the original in Armenian).