Bridge of Yerkatavork

This is a single-span bridge (1912 to 1913) of undressed stone and mortar located in Yerkatavork Village, Kashatagh District, Republic of Artsakh (RMK).

Span length: 9.15 metres; passage width: 3.10 metres; height above water level: 5.50 metres.

Its facade looking downstream bears a construction inscription in Arabic (see it in the Armenian text) carved on two separate stones (the inscription conveys the name of one of the builders of the bridge, Michael).

Five lines in the Arabic language engraved in embossed characters:

Transl.: Built under the patronage of Sama’s son Mah-Pet’s…, may the Lord grant him a lot of blessings, in the year 1331 (1912 to 1913).

Six lines in the Arabic language engraved in embossed characters:

Transl.: …with the participation of a select group of…, one of whom is Michael…

Published for the first time (decipherment by Raffi Kortoshian).

Span length: 9.15 metres; passage width: 3.10 metres; height above water level: 5.50 metres; geographical coordinates: N 39°18°51.72,°° E 46°36°11.46.°°