Lower Bridge of Hin Gandzak

The Lower Bridge of Hin Gandzak lies over the river Gandzak—400 metres down-stream from the Middle Bridge of the same town site—in the north of Gandzak Town, Northern Artsakh, a region that suffered deportation of its Armenian population in 1988 and has been annexed to Azerbaijan since then. It was studied during archaeological research carried out in the territory of Hin Gandzak from 1939 until 1940. The bridge, which probably goes back to the period between the 12th and 13th centuries, represents a structure of pebble and burnt brick with a width of 6.70 metres. __11. Jafarzade, I. Historical and Archaeological Studies of Hin Gyanja. Baku, 1949, p. 48 (the original in Russian).